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Kamis, 20 Maret 2008

The Reason why people is SINGLE

There are too much reason why people's status is SINGLE
From Mr. Buncit's opinion, there are several types of SINGLE
  1. Single By Choice
  2. Single By Condition
  3. Single By Destiny
Single By Choice
For this case, people choose to be single.
May be, he/she has bad problem about love
he/she is ever cheated
or, he/she feels so bored about love
like Chritian Sugiono's role on JOMBLO movie
or, she/he never want has someone special in her/him life

Single By Condition
What condition..?
Condition that can make he/she is single for example....behavior
For this case, he/she realy want having a soulmate
but, she/he never gets it

Single By Destiny
WoW... Mr. Buncit's think that he/she is choosen to do something big

But, there are just Mr. Buncit's opinion hihi

This is the first Mr. Buncit's post that uses English
Hope that the grammar n vocab are right

Don't forget to click POLLING from Kampung Blog

1 komentar:

dita mengatakan...

which one are you, then ?